Collaboration with cutting-edge results: 3M poster session and luncheon
July 23, 2024

On June 3, between rows of posters on display boards, representatives from 3M mingled with University of Minnesota students, faculty, and postgraduates, perusing poster boards, asking questions, and engaging with the ideas of the next generation of STEM leaders and researchers.

The event attracted nearly 150 attendees, including graduate and postdoctoral presenters.  More than 60 3M employees with senior leaders from the company’s research and development and corporate and social responsibility teams participated, and seven 3M employees made presentations. University leaders in attendance included vice president for research and innovation Shashank Priya, College of Science and Engineering (CSE) dean Andrew Alleyne, College of Biological Sciences (CBS) dean Saara DeWalt, and Keisha Varma, associate vice president in the University of Minnesota’s Office for Equity and Diversity.

This year’s annual poster board event featured 40 posters, with topics ranging from decarbonizing the industrial drying process to improving green ammonia production, with practical applications for manufacturing, energy, medicine, and information storage and sharing.

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Fellows as future educators

Before the poster event, Dr. Varma delivered a few remarks at an intimate lunch with 3M executives, U of M 3M scholars, and several U of M leaders.

Varma commented on the valuable working relationship between 3M and the University. “Thank you to 3M for the longstanding commitment to the U, including collaborations focused on talent development and research initiatives, as well as key investments in outreach programs and students. We are truly grateful for the comprehensive partnership our organizations share.”

She also highlighted how important the partnership is to the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, a national program that is generously backed at the U of M by 3M. The program supports new scholars in their teaching, research, and service while also contributing to institutional equity and diversity in higher education. The program currently has eight fellows studying in CSE and CBS.

“This partnership allows the University to continue to graduate and advance a diverse group of scientists who we know will have a significant impact on the world,” said Varma. President’s Postdoctoral Fellows contribute significantly to the University ecosystem: conducting research, assisting their mentors, teaching, and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in the University’s labs and field stations.

Numbered for success

The poster event also included participation from one key demographic this year: University of Minnesota faculty. Mentor faculty were invited to the event for the first time and many who attended were able to see the results of research they have encouraged, promoted, and guided. Their presence showcased how vital the education-to-industry pipeline is and how essential 3M’s involvement is to the success of students, both now and in their future careers. 

Thank you for your steadfast support, both in this event and in key STEM programs across the University of Minnesota.