By 2025, nearly 25 percent of Minnesota’s working-age adults will be people of color, and 62 percent of new jobs in the Minneapolis and St. Paul—home to 3M headquarters—will require postsecondary education. However, nationally and at the U of M, there are gaps in academic success between white students and students of color. The University is working to close these gaps through targeted support programs that help all students reach their academic and employment goals.
How is 3M making a difference? 3M is investing in University of Minnesota programs that bring key people, ideas, and support systems together to support equity and diversity initiatives and a critically-needed pipeline to prepare high-performing and diverse global talent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) workforce.
Learn more about the impact of 3M support for the following programs, which are coordinated by the U's Office for Equity and Diversity:
CORE—college readiness and more:
CORE is an early outreach program designed to improve middle school education and outcomes, as well as connect college-bound high school students to the University of Minnesota.
Why CORE? Our future workforce will require increased access to higher education. Both nationally and at the U of M, students of color enroll, matriculate, and graduate at lower rates than their white counterparts. CORE is designed to tackle this inequity by helping underrepresented students develop college readiness skills, especially in STEM subjects.
Goal: CORE’s goal is for 25-30 percent of its members to graduate from the U of M by 2025.
Facts and benefits:
400 participants enrolled in CORE programs in 2018-19
Age: 50% in grades 1-8, 50% in grades 9-12
Gender: 50% male, 50% female
3M assistance for:
academic support
financial aid
college readiness
familiarization with STEM
access to a campus environment
North Star STEM—closing the opportunity gap:
Helping bright, motivated students succeed is the goal of National Science Foundation (NSF) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation programs. In Minnesota, this program is called the North Star STEM Alliance, with a shared goal of doubling the number of underrepresented students. This retention program offers research, networking and mentoring, academic support, and professional development.
Facts and benefits:
The Alliance is a partnership of 17 Minnesota colleges, universities, and community organizations. The U of M is the lead institution.
80 students enrolled at the U of M in 2018-19
Age: 98% ages 19-35, 2% ages 36-64
A special emphasis: serving incoming transfer students and Southeast Asian students
3M assistance for:
Helping community college students successfully transfer to U of M
Strengthening a campus climate of equity and diversity:
3M is a valued presenting sponsor of the U of M’s Equity and Diversity Breakfast. A community of stakeholders from the U of M as well as alumni, donors, community organizations, and corporate entities gather for the annual breakfast, awards, and learning activities. Together, they work to strengthen respectful and inclusive living, learning, and working environments.
Facts and benefits:
Breakfast began in 2008
Approximately 630 attendees in 2018
Fosters the development of an institutional climate of equity and diversity
Awards presented at the event recognize outstanding members of the U of M community who exemplify the U of M’s commitment to equity and diversity
3M’s role:
The presenting sponsorship provides visibility for 3M’s partnership in the U of M’s commitment to equity and diversity.
Click here to learn more about the Office for Equity and Diversity
photo: University of Minnesota photo library
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