July 24, 2023
Supporting future STEM leaders 

The transfer student pipeline from community and technical colleges is one of the University of Minnesota’s best sources for recruiting students of color and… Read more

Categories: Talent development
Topics: STEM, UMD
April 1, 2020
3M's partnership with the U of M makes a difference on many fronts, especially when it comes to the time, energy, and insights offered by 3M employees. 

As of December 2019, 30 3M… Read more

Topics: CSE, CSOM, UMD
November 20, 2018
3M experiential sales program attracts high-caliber UMD students


More than an internship: The Labovitz School of Business and Economics at the U of M Duluth (UMD) is one of only 14… Read more

Categories: Talent development
Topics: UMD
December 6, 2019

An internship is probably one of the most important parts of a student’s collegiate career. Molly Arbuckle, a marketing major at the Univeresity of Minnesota Duluth's Labovitz School of Business… Read more

Categories: Talent development
Topics: UMD